Monday, November 25, 2013

Kentucky Hot Brown Bake.

I made this Thursday of last week I just haven't gotten around to posting it until today. Sorry guys!  This is my version of the KY Hot Brown sandwich. You can add ham to this also, I just stuck with turkey. 

You will need:
8 oz package of crescent rolls
1lb package of smoked turkey lunch meat
8 slices of cooked bacon (I may have used a whole package, oops)
8 slices of Swiss cheese
3 Roma tomatoes, sliced 
4 eggs beaten

Unroll the crescent rolls and place half in the bottom of a greased baking dish. 

Top with half of the turkey. 

Then half the Swiss cheese. 

Then half the bacon. I added more after this picture was taken. 8 just didn't seem enough for my hubby and I. 

Then top with a few tomato slices and HALF the beaten eggs. 

Repeat another layer of turkey, cheese, bacon, and tomatoes. Then top with rest of crescent rolls and rest of beaten eggs. 

Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes. Then *IMPORTANT* let sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the dish to set properly so you don't have runny eggs. 

I didn't allow mine to sit before cutting it but this was to show what the layers look like. (:  

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